Home» News» “World Space Week 2015 – Nepal” being Celebrated from tomorrow on Facebook

“World Space Week 2015 – Nepal” being Celebrated from tomorrow on Facebook

Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) has announced the first ever largest online discussion on “World Space Week 2015 – Nepal” on Facebook. NASO has been celebrating this event in Nepal from back then 2007. This year, it’s their first attempt to tell people World Space Week exist and already has been endorsed by UN in 1999! You can be a part of the online discussion by joining the World Space Week 2015 – Nepal Facebook Event.

The discussion will be held from tomorrow, October 4-10, 2015. The discussion will be focused on the topics related with space science. NASO will share information about WSW and space activities from past, present and future. They will also bring space scientist from abroad to answer the questions and curiosity of the members of events. If you have any concerns about space science, then you can put your concerns in form of question on the discussion.

World Space Week 2015 highlights the great era of deep space discovery that we are in. We have never learnt as much of the universe we live in as in the last decade. Space telescopes, deep space probes and several interplanetary satellites and landers have shown us the magic, wonders and opportunities of new worlds. Exoplanets, galaxies far away and close by and landings on planets, moons, asteroids and comets teach us about where we humans have come from and where we will go in the future. Space is all about Discovery!

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