Home» News» Nepal Had The Highest Number Of Active Mappers Using OpenStreetMap

Nepal Had The Highest Number Of Active Mappers Using OpenStreetMap

Nepal had the highest number of active mappers using OpenStreetMap on August 21.

In accordance with this news, on August 22, Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) posted “Nepal is ranked number one in the world with 1083 active mappers yesterday!”

This post referred to OSMstats that showed Nepal at the top of the list with 1083 members followed by Germany with 559 active mappers. OpenStreetMap (OSM) helps to create a free editable map of the world where anyone can contribute. On August 22 the stats in OSMstats shows that Nepal had created 565359 nodes, modified 53180 nodes and deleted 16706 nodes.

openstreetmap stats
Photo Credit: Kathmandu Living Labs

Kathmandu Living Labs

KLL is a leading civic tech group in Nepal that works on Open Street Map (OSM). It was featured in the very first episode of “The Crowd and the Cloud” for its work on OpenStreetMap to map different places in Nepal during the 2015 earthquake.

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