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.NET Conf 2017 Kathmandu Organized Successfully

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.NET Conf 2017 was organized successfully with the productive technical session, discussion, and networking. The conference was held on the 28th of October 2017, from 10:00 am to 5:00 PM at Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu.

More than 75 tech enthusiast attended the event to share their idea and knowledge regarding .NET technologies. Student, and people from other fields like startup enthusiasts, managers and educators were also present.

The program started with a welcome speech from Dev Raj Gautam on behalf of the ASPNET community. In the speech, Mr. Gautam included a summary of the program and context of the program for developers working on the various .NETplatform. The vote of thanks to the all the sponsors, supporters, media partners and other partners were also given out.

Ranjan Shrestha presenting on React with .NET

The program was divided into different technical session. The first season was called “React with. NET”. Mr.Ranjan Shrestha, the Lead Developer of Bhoos.com, presented a session on React JS and the technicities of blending react with .NET. He presented working demos of how React could be added to the .NET solutions to develop great presentation components in an application. Speaker also provided tips on easy debugging of the React components and using tools for debugging.

.net conf sushil sapkota
Sushil Sapkota presenting on Programming Scenario In Nepal

The second session followed with the speaker Sushil Sapkota. Mr. Sapkota who currently works as the project manager in InfoDevelopers, and has more than 7 years of experience in .NET platforms talked about Programming Scenario in Nepal. His talk was centered on fulfilling the technical skills deficit of working professionals and how various organization and communities could help in the technical advancement of the developers.

dev raj gautam
Dev Raj Gautam presenting on Intelligent Bots

The third session called Intelligent Bots was led by Dev Raj Gautam. Mr. Gautam has more than 8 years of technical expertise in .NET platform. He also has consulted with Nepal Government in various projects.

Mr. Dev Raj Gautam presented how by using Microsoft Bot framework, LUIS, and other Microsoft Cognitive Services. Speaker also presented demos of bot to support the slides. This session helped to understand how to develop Intelligent Bots using the various capabilities of Bot Framework, LUIS & API Integrations (Business Logic, External API’s) to create a complete solution.

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Ravi Mandal Moderating the Open Discussion Session

The Open Discussion Session was led by Mr. Ravi Mandal. Ravi Mandal is a Cloud Software Engineer at Insight Workshop and has been awarded as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for the contribution towards the communities here in Nepal.

In this session, the attendees answered each other queries. The discussion was heavily focused on the scalability of the application, the need for infrastructure and offerings from azure, participants also shared how they scaled their application by code review, database optimization & infrastructure optimization.

.net conf xamarin
Chandra Deo Singh presenting session on “Responsive UI with Xamarin”

The Discussion session was followed by Responsive UI With Xamarin. Mr. Chandra Deo Singh presented a demo on how to develop responsive UI in Xamarin. He is a team leader in Braindigit It Solutions and has over 5+ years in .NET and specializes in Universal Windows Phone platform. In this session, he presented demo and code snippets to help attendees with responsive UI in Xamarin.

alok pandey
Alok Pandey presenting on C# Internals

The last session was presented by MR Alok Kumar Pandey on C# Internals. Alok Kumar Pandey is CTO of Braindigit and brings in-depth technical expertise and is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). He has more than 15 years of experience & works as Chief Technology Officer with Braindigit IT Solution, he is also Microsoft Certified Developer (MCPD).

The theme of the presentation was to discuss features to gain a deeper understanding of the language, the Intermediate Language (IL) it compiles into, and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) it runs on and its importance on performance ramifications. The demo included discussion of codes refactored by ILSPY and ILDASM.

Infodevelopers was the title sponsor for the event. JetBrains, Infragistics, and PACKT also supported the event with licenses and subscriptions.

Eb Pearls, IDream Technologies, HelloWorld Corp, EKbana & Eminence Ways also sponsored the event.

Learning partner for the event was Laba and Merojob was the Career partner.

Official media partners for the event was Living With ICT & TechLekh.

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