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Lack of Traffic Lights Deteriorates Traffic Management in Kathmandu

Traffic Lights
Photo Credit: My Republica

Traffic management in Kathmandu was already in a very crucial state. The condition of traffic management has deteriorated even more due to the lack of traffic lights in many areas, reports The Himalayan Times.

SP Dambar BK at Metropolitan Traffic Police Division, Kathmandu, informed that it has been a daunting task for traffic police to manage vehicular movement during peak hours in the valley.

According to BK, there is only 1,400 traffic police personnel in the Valley. He also mentioned that 10,42,856 vehicles move about in a single day while about 10,000 enter the valley daily.  Considering the 1,594.67 Km length of the Valley’s road, the existing traffic personnel is insufficient.

BK added that the requirement of human resources for traffic management would decrease if traffic lights were available in streets.

Metropolitan Police Crime Division (MTCD) has identified a total of 35 places in the valley where traffic lights need fixing. BK informed that they have been trying to locate all the damaged lights. They are also repairing the old lights in some areas.

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