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3 Ways to have Fun on your Mobile

These days, smartphones have seemingly unlimited capabilities for any task you set it – from being a camera, a speaker, audio recorder, calculator, or an infinite source of information via the internet.

However, they can be a great way of having fun in your free time. This might sound glaringly obvious, but in actual fact, only a few people have fun on their phones. This is because it is all too easy to become glued to social media accounts that can become unhealthy to visit too often, read work emails that never seem to stop being sent, or being called by your boss outside of work hours.

Instead, it is important to find ways of having fun on your phone. Of course, there are many options to choose from, including playing games, calling friends, watching streaming services, or just scrolling through old and forgotten photos on your camera roll, revisiting fond memories. Reading eBooks is another healthy option because you can store far more titles on your phone and be able to read them anywhere, allowing you to finish books faster.

Here are three ways to entertain yourself on your mobile phone:

You can choose from a variety of online game platforms

An increasingly popular type of entertainment that you can access on your phone is online casinos, which give you a vast range of different individual titles, including classic blackjack and poker games. You can find a number of casinos online, which can offer you a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Of course, when it comes to online casino games, you need to be sensible. They still require you to put down real money like an actual casino and should not be treated purely as a harmless game. However, if you enter with your eyes open and a clear understanding of the potential risks, then you could have fun with online casino games.

Revisit fond memories on your photo gallery

A great way to entertain yourself on your phone is to go to your photo gallery and scroll through old pictures and albums. You are almost certain to find forgotten memories that will make you smile or ideas for future plans like holidays and day trips.

Revisiting the past is a good way to forget about the worries of the present, so take time to scroll through your photos and see what memories you can unearth.

This could work as entertainment in another way, too. For example, if you find a photo of a friend you have lost contact with over the years or have forgotten to check in with recently, this could be the perfect incentive to pick up the phone and call them. It could make their day as well as yours, so this is a worthwhile option.

Read an eBook

One of the highly enjoyable pastimes you can experience on your phone is reading an eBook. Although you may think there is no substitute for a paperback, eBooks have plenty of uses. You can, for example, take them anywhere with you, allowing you to catch up on your reading even at times when a book would be inappropriate.

For example, if you are waiting in line for a coffee, standing in a busy lift, or passing the time between work meetings, a physical book would be too awkward to carry or plain rude to be seen reading, whereas, with an eBook, you look as if you are checking your emails.

This way, you will finish your book faster, prevent yourself from becoming addicted to social media and retain a healthy relationship with work emails.

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