Home» News» Covid-19 Vaccination Online Registration in Nepal Opens for 18+: Here’s How-to Register

Covid-19 Vaccination Online Registration in Nepal Opens for 18+: Here’s How-to Register

Ministry of Health and Population has opened an online registration form for the vaccine against Covid-19.

Covid vaccine online registration nepal
Covid-19 vaccination online registration in Nepal opens for 18 above

The registration has been opened from May 13, 2021.

According to Jaageshwar Gautam, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health and Population, individuals above 18 years can register for the vaccine. The registration is for the ones who haven’t taken any vaccine dose till now.

Speaking with TechLekh, Gautam shared that this registration has been opened to take the detail of the total number of individuals to be inoculated. “This does not mean that we are going to get the vaccine immediately. This is just to get the record of the total number of vaccines needed in the country,” he said.

“We have implemented an online covid vaccination registration system so that it will be easy for us to inform each individual before the vaccination begins.” According to him, the Ministry will send a message to the registered users once the government is ready with the vaccine.

Gautam also said that they are not yet sure about the closing date for the registration.

How to register online for the Covid vaccination in Nepal?

Step 1: Go to https://vaccine.mohp.gov.np/

covid vaccination form nepal
Covid-19 Vaccination Form Page @ Ministry of Health and Population

Step 2: Fill up the details including full name, full address, citizenship number, issuance address and others.

Step 3: Submit the form once it is done. You can call the helpline number mentioned below in the form in case of any confusion.

With the completion, you will get a registration number. Keep the registration number safe as this will be used as a token during the vaccination.

What do you think about government initiation on online registration for vaccination in Nepal against Covid-19? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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