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Web Portals To Get Election Vote Counts Updates

Thursday, the 7th of December marked the anticipated election day for Nepal. Citizens geared up to cast their votes for the House of Representatives and Provincial Election 2017. And today everyone is impatiently waiting for the election results.

Keeping up with the constant buzz of elections, most Nepali news websites have created a separate section wholly dedicated to election news and vote counts.

Here is a list of some of the web portals you can use to get updated with the vote counts, results, and news.

Election Updates Portal in Nepal

#1. eKantipur

Election Results

The page has a search option to search through federal parliament, province and district.  It contains a map of Nepal where a person can click a district and get the win and lead information of the different party. There is also a pie chart of current wins and leads of different parties.

Following this is the voting results by Constituency showing the count standing of two major candidates.

Finally, we have wins and leads according to a province.

Visit eKantipur

#2. HamroPatro

election updates portal in nepal

The web portal has a clean look. It has a last updated date and time and wins and leads of different political parties sorted in categories. It is followed by leads of candidates in each province.

Finally, it has a scrollable horizontal list of popular candidates and district and province.

It also has a hot news section on its right side, Hamro Patro partnered with Ujyalo Online to create this web portal.

Visit HamroPatro

#3. Online Khabar


This page has a search option with federal parliament, province, district and party followed by a map of Nepal showing its districts. It also lists party wise leads and wins charts.

Finally, it has party wise list of candidates in lead.

Visit OnlineKhabar

#4. Annapurna Post

This portal opens up to a search box where one can search the results according to the area of interest. There are also trending news on the marquee.

It lists wins and leads of different parties. It also has a map of Nepal and a live update feature. This is followed by a list of heavy vote candidates. And finally, there is a party wise result of seats in different provinces.

Visit Annapurna Post

Our Verdict

Visually, eKantipur is the most attractive though it doesn’t have the news update feature on the same page. OnlineKhabar is clustered and the party-wise listing is hard to read. HamroPatro is clean and its horizontal listings make the page less daunting. Its last updated information and hot news make it unique. Finally, Annapurna Post has big bright colors but it as a trending news marquee, graphs for poll results and a separate news section.

Overall, we are very glad that online newspapers and portals are stepping up their games and working hard to keep all citizens updated. We are thankful for these pages.

What do you use to keep updated with the results? Did we miss any of your favorite portals? Let us know!

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