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Election Candidate in Kaski Using Robot to Ask for Votes

With the elections around the corner, parties are using unique campaign strategies to reach out to the voters. Representatives and candidates are seen visiting voter’s house to gain votes. Meanwhile, the Kaski Congress Candidates are using science and technology to attract voters.

Congress Candidate, Guru Prasad Baral from Kaski ward number 2 ‘A’ has been using a robot to ask for votes. The people walking in the electoral campaign of Baral are seen carrying the robots, grabbing the attention of the by-passers.

After sensing the proximity of people, the robot greets the people and sings Congress’ election song. When a person maintains eye contact with the robot, he greets them with ‘Jay Nepal‘. The robot then urges the people to vote for Guru Baral in the upcoming election.

According to Baral, He has adopted this style of campaigning to connect the society with technology. He added that the people enjoyed watching the robot asking to vote for him.

With the use of a robot in his campaign, Baral wants to convey that he will work on the path of development through the use of youth and technology. He also added that this might be the first time such technique was adopted in an electoral campaign.

Baral, who was in Bharatpukhari on Tuesday, reached Lamgadi, Chappang, Uplopundi, Talopundi, Bhandanging, Chailana, Magagiri, and Darpani to continue his campaign and ask for votes. The robot is constructed by Himalayas Brothers Engineering IT Solution.

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